Edgar Leciejewski | Lieven Lefere​
Fatima Barznge
man in square man in circle​
Geert Koeckoeckx
Duck Hats & Owl Holes​
Frédéric Liwer
Les Quatre Mille Coups​
Johan Gelper
08.09.2022 to 22.10.2022
Edgar Leciejewski
Future Perfect
22.04.2022 to .12.06.2022
Philip Lumai
Three Paintings to Think With
09.12.2021 to .13.03.2022
Simon van Parys​
Wall of Sound
09.09.2021 to 21.11.2021
Schälling | Enderle
Plaines de pierres ouvertes
06.02.2021 to 22.05.2021
Bieke Depuydt
Hindsight is 20/20
03.09.2020 to 31.01.2021
Under Wraps
05 September 2019
Lieven Lefere
Nothing is more visible than things hidden
19.04.2019 to 22.06.2019
André Heurteaux, Alex AR Pedersen, Hans Ticha, Heleen Deceuninck Henk Wildschut
Ich hab's geahnt- Alles eine Frage der Perspektive
31.01.2019 to 09.03.2019
Formed Unformed
28.09.2018 to 24.11.2018
Bieke Depuydt, Lieven Lefere
Cracks, Zips and Rain
08.06.2018 to 11.08.2018
Motion without Movement
29.03.2018 to 19.05.2018
Vincent Laute, Phil Lumai, Schälling | Enderle
Why the moon waxes and wanes
20.01.2018 to 17.03.2018
Eeva-Mari Haikala
The only happiness i know is sad happiness
07.10..2017 to 16.12.2017
Michel Mazzoni, Hughes Dubuisson
Terra Incognita
Hors du Lit
Tino Geiss
Quite Quiet
Great mountains Remember me